Monday 22 July saw 94 million visits made to news and media websites, following the news that Kate had gone into labour, with the baby boy born later that evening – up 29 million from the daily UK average.
The research from Experian found that visits to the news and media category were up by 22 per cent on Monday compared to the previous Monday, with tabloids received twice as much traffic as broadsheet websites.
James Murray, digital insight manager for Experian Marketing Services, commented: “Tabloid news sites usually outperform the broadsheets in terms of total visits and this proved to be the case yesterday. However, broadsheets punched above their weight on Monday in terms of visit growth which means that their readers were proportionally more interested in the Royal Baby than those of the Red Tops.”
The BBC News, Daily Mail and Sky News were the three recipients of traffic, while The Guardian did best out of all the broadsheets, probably due to its ‘republican’ button that made all royal baby news disappear.
Sky News saw a 93 per cent increase to its site on Monday 22 than it did last Monday, 15 July.