Car manufacturer Kia has engaged Microsoft Advertising’s new creative format ‘Storyboard’ for MSN to showcase its GT, Rio, Picanto and Sportage models.
The campaign, which runs for 24 hours from today (Friday 26 July), forms part of Kia’s wider focus on driving customers to become brand ambassadors. Also running on MSN mobile, the display ad expands upon a click or drag motion to reveal immersive video content and an image gallery for each car.
Wayne Baxter from Havas Media explained the decision to use the new format, commenting that ‘Storyboard’ “fit strongly with Kia’s proposition” and could “drive reach of our Q3 CARS customer-advocacy message as well as show off our stunning range of vehicles”.
Head of advertising solutions at Microsoft Advertising, James Hayr, added: “Kia was keen to reach as large an audience as possible – targeting a very broad demographic of 25 to 50 year olds – so an MSN homepage takeover was the perfect solution.
“By designing the format in a way that consumers purposefully engage with it, we ensure that they actually want to explore the advert, rather than simply bombarding them with content….we’re committed to putting consumers first, connecting them with brands in a relevant, valuable way.”