Whiskas has joined forces with the WWF raise funds to help protect the world’s wild tigers.
The cat care brand is supporting the WWF’s global tiger conservation efforts, which aims to double the number of tigers in the wild by 2022, with a contribution from every special pack of Whiskas sold.
“At Whiskas we’re passionate about caring for all cats, both big and small, and understand that with as few as 3,200 remaining in the wild, tigers are in urgent need of our care. This is why we’re so privileged and excited to be partnering with WWF, as together this summer through pack sales we will raise £500,000 for WWF’s Tigers Alive initiative,” commented Helen Heasman, premium cat portfolio manager, Whiskas.
The fully integrated, through-the-line campaign features a new TV ad from AMV BBDO, highlighting just how endangered wild tigers have become and how consumers can join with Whiskas to help protect the remaining few. The new ad builds on Whiskas’ ‘Big Cat Little Cat’ campaign from earlier in the year, which centres on the connection between small cats and their big cousins.
David Nussbaum, chief executive, WWF-UK, added: “Wild tigers are at a tipping point and action, or inaction, in the coming decade will decide their fate. This is why initiatives such as our partnership with Whiskas are so important…High profile partnerships with organisations such as Whiskas can help us take our messages and work even further – to new audiences, in new and innovative ways – helping inspire everyone to take action and help protect our beautiful planet and its amazing wildlife.”
On top of TV advertising the partnership will be supported by PR, in-store and on-pack promotional activity.