Behind the windows of this very special Drum adVENT Calendar you’ll find a different member of the creative industry venting their feelings on a Christmas ad, or ads, they love or loathe. Today it’s Arnold Amsterdam's creative director Colin Lamberton.
Forget the wonder of Woolies, Christmas advertising for me was always about one thing – perfume. And none of your Tweed by Yardley nonsense- I mean the classy stuff.
I remember one Christmas flicking madly between ITV and Channel 4 just to try and catch the latest soupçon of surrealist nonsense from Jean-Paul Goude. From the manic spurned beauties in the first Egoiste ad to the whimsical folly of Vanessa Paradis swinging naked in a birdcage for Coco, via some bloke literally starting a fight in an empty room, Goude was the undisputed Michelangelo of the artistic perfume commercial, with the House of Chanel as his patron.