Smokefree South West has partnered with Bray Leino to launch a new campaign aiming to give kids a voice in discouraging their parents from smoking where they play.
The ‘Smokefree Park’ initiative follows a survey which showed over half (57 per cent) of people considered smoking to be a problem in their local play park. The ‘Better Places to Play’ campaign aims to establish a voluntary ban on smoking in parks and play areas.
The creative uses the language of children in a bid to avoid the lecturing tone often associated with public health campaigns. Bray Leino has also designed signs and bench stickers complete with emotive messages to hit a nerve amongst parents who may be considering lighting up.
The campaign aims to not only protect children from harmful second hand smoke but also stop young children seeing smoking as a normal activity.
Three parks have signed up to the initiative, in partnership with Sedgemoor PCT, and a toolkit helping to promote the voluntary ban in play parks has been designed by the agency and is available to all Local Authorities in the UK.