The National Union of Journalists has called for strike action at the BBC following a dispute over pay and changes to redundancy terms.
The union said BBC staff had seen pay fall 10 per cent behind inflation in the last five years and the broadcaster was introducing plans to cut UPA allowances for staff working anti-social hours. Changes to redundancy terms would result in a reduction in consultation periods, the union warned.
"The changes to UPA allowances will create a situation here staff working the same shifts will find themselves being paid different rates," said NUJ general secretary, Michelle Stanistreet. "It is clear that the BBC want to introduce a two-tier workforce and we know that it will be long-servicing staff on better terms and conditions that will be the first to be picked off in future waves of cuts.
"The NUJ is not prepared to sit back and let that happen."
The NUJ and other join unions' pay demand was for RPI plus three per cent, however the BBC has offered a flat rate of £650 for all staff, leading the unions to urge members to vote to strike in a ballot opening on 14 June.
Stanistreet said the NUJ had undergone constructive talks with BBC director general Tony Hall over compulsory redundancies and bullying, resulting in the set up of joint reviews to tackle issues arising from the BBC's Delivering Quality First programme. However, Stanistreet added that it was "insulting" to offer staff such a "paltry sum" in light of the scrapped £100m BBC digital media project.
NUJ broadcasting national organiser, Sue Harris, added: "At a time when the BBC is intent on making 2,000 job losses as part of its cuts programme Delivering Quality First, it is also trying to cut redundancy terms and consultation time.
"If the BBC is genuinely committed to redeployment it should withdraw these proposals."
The strike ballot will close on 4 July.