Renegade US soldier Bradley Manning is facing up to a life behind bars after being convicted by a military court of spying and passing government secrets to WikiLeaks, charges which could see him locked up for up to 136 years.
Despite being found not guilty of aiding the enemy, the most serious offence for which he was charged, Manning now faces the prospect of dying in jail when sentenced for the 19 separate lesser charges for which he was convicted.
Amongst these are five charges of espionage, five charges relating to theft, one for computer fraud and a host of other military infractions.
Nonetheless manning was said to be pleased at the outcome having been cleared of knowingly aiding and abetting the likes of Osama bin laden and Al Qaeda, an offence which carries an automatic life sentence without parole.
This will give Manning a stronger case when he fights his corner at the sentencing hearing.
David Coomb, Manning’s lawyer, said after the verdict was read out: "We won the battle, now we need to go win the war. Today is a good day, but Bradley is by no means out of the fire."
Commenting on the conviction from his London bolt hole WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange tweeted that the verdict amounted to: ‘dangerous national security extremism from the Obama administration’.